about me & experience


2022.09 - Present |

University of California, San Diego (GPA of 3.93/4.0)

Co-Advisor: Mingu Kang, Tajana Rosing

2016.03 - 2022.02 | 

Korea University (GPA of 4.17/4.5, Major GPA of 4.43/4.5)

Two years absence for military service (2018-2019)

Research interest

I'm interested in HW-SW Co-Design of AI Processor and ML Accelerator for LLMs, In-memory computing, and Neuromorphic computing.

Especially, I'm interested in



UC San Diego, System Energy Efficiency LAB; Co-Advisor: Tajana Rosing

Research Assistant

> Ph.D. Student at SEELAB co-advised by Prof. Tajana Rosing


UC San Diego, Vertically-integrated VLSI information processing LAB; Co-Advisor: Mingu Kang

Research Assistant

> Ph.D. Student at VVIP LAB co-advised by Prof. Mingu Kang


KOREA UNIVERSITY, VLSI Signal Processing LAB; Advisor: Park, Jong-Sun

Undergraduate Researcher

> Design 8T & 10T SRAM to alleviate data conflict caused by sharing path between read and write operation and Check enhanced stability compared with 6T SRAM with Monte Carlo Simulation 


NTU, Nano-scale Integrated Circuits for Excellence LAB; Advisor: Kim, Tony Tae-Hyoung

Undergraduate Researcher

> Research on Computing-In-Memory & In-Memory Accelerator: Analyzed Ambit In-Memory Accelerator & Advanced Computer Architecture 


KOREA UNIVERSITY, Bio-Application System Integrated Circuit LAB; Advisor: Lee, Hyung-Min

Undergraduate Researcher

> Design and Configuration of High-BW Two-Stage Amplifier & Advanced LDO Linear Regulator ICs using Virtuoso tool 

(more details on Research Portfolio)


TSMC Technology, Inc

Internship, AI Hardware Researcher

Circuit and Architecture Co-Design for Large Language Model Optimization, AI Hardware Team (San Jose, CA)



Auxiliary Police

Served in the 112th Strike Force, Counter Terrorist



HY Meister Degree - Semiconductor, HY Education Innovation Division (Open Badge)

4th Semiconductor Meister Degree Completion

> Completion of Hanyang Meister Degree Semiconductor Course Online Course

1) Completion of semiconductor integration technology expert course (20 hours) 

2) Completion of semiconductor application technology expert course (20 hours) 

3) Completion of semiconductor process technology expert course (20 hours) 


VR/AR Basic Education, Korea University's Innovation Center for Engineering Education


> Completion of VR/AR basic Education; Made Virtual Reality games using Unity tool


STUDENT COUNCIL, School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University 

Executive Chairman & Member

> Worked as a member of the Media Public Relations Bureau in Freshman & Led the Executive Branch with the Presidency as Executive Chairman in Sophomore




> Was member of the KUSC (Korea University Shooting Club)